Once you have defined your marketing strategy, you will need to define a marketing offer and implement it in practical, operational terms. This involves mastering the skills of a project manager (time management, prioritisation, etc.) but also, of course, the 4 marketing levers of your offering: product, price, communication and distribution.

We’ll give you all the information and methods you need to become an effective operational marketing project manager.

Would you like to develop your marketing skills in other areas?
👉🏻 Find out more about our complete marketing training course
Introduction to the marketing mix
Project management
Introduction to the marketing mix
How do you set up an effective marketing mix?
How do you build your offering (product or service)?
How do you define the price of your offer?
How to implement yield management methods
How to define the communication lever in your marketing mix
E-advertising: 7 steps to a successful campaign
How to run a successful communication campaign
How to choose the right channels
How to choose your distribution channels
Project management
Project management (prioritisation, tools, etc.)

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